Meet the Team
Executive Board
Lucy Chen
After attending her first Transport Chicago as a graduate student at UIC, Lucy is thrilled to grow in her involvement with the conference and serve as this year's president. Lucy thrives at the intersection of the technical and human sides of transportation planning, which she's lucky to explore both through Transport Chicago and as a project manager at HNTB. When not at the conference, you can find her gazing out a bus window, watching kpop music videos, and thinking about what to get for lunch.
Quinn Kasal
Transit planner, urbanist, and advocate for stronger and better connected cities. Extremely passionate about leveraging the freedom of efficient and sustainable public transportation toward maintaining and building better communities.
Long-range rail system planning for the nation's second-largest transit agency.
Damian Hamielec
Although Damian works in construction tech, he is a huge fan of transportation and urban planning. His favorite part about Transport Chicago is bringing people in different phases of their careers and from different agencies together. Damian has a masters in civil engineering and smart mobility from Purdue University.
Em Hall, Ph.D. (she/her)
Em is the owner of Em + H Chicago, a boutique consulting firm that’s a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) with the Chicago Transit Authority and Women Business Enterprise (WBE) with the State of Illinois. Em is a spin instructor, yogi, and Law & Order enthusiast. On the weekends, she’s teaching her old cats new tricks.
Steering Committee
*List in formation
Dimitris Nioras - Chicago Transit Authority
Edward Bury - Urban Transportation Center at UIC
Hugo Coronado - Metropolitan Planning Council
Lauren Mattern - Journey
Mary Buchanan - TYLin
Megan McPhilimy - STV
Michael DunstCambridge Systematics
Nora Goebelbecker - Impact Partners
Quentin Shipley Mellon - Chicago Transit Authority
Sarah Grumulaitis - Arup
Sophie Blumenstein - Illinois Department of Transportation
Jill Kramer - Parametrix
Grace Zheng - WSP